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Planning an Event? You Need These 7 Tools
Are you planning an event? To maximize attendance, you need a comprehensive multichannel strategy incorporating various marketing tools. Let’s look at seven “must-have” elements to make your next event successful.
The Power of Gratitude: Saying "Thank You" to Your Donors
As a nonprofit, you know that donors are the lifeblood of your mission. That’s why saying “thank you” is not just courteous. It is vital. It strengthens relationships, encourages future giving, and helps you and your mission thrive. Let’s look at five ways to say “thank you” to your donors, not just during special events but at all times of the year.
Embracing the Summer Advantage: Why Smart Marketers Stay Active While Others Slow Down
Many businesses mistakenly think their marketing efforts should take a backseat as summer arrives. It's when people go on vacations, schools break for summer, and overall activity seems to slow down. Rather than pulling back, however, savvy marketers see the summer as an opportunity to ramp up. Why? Let’s take a look.
Harness the Power of Visuals to Tell Compelling Stories
Our brains process visual information 60,000 times more quickly than text. Hence the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” That’s why selecting the right photos and illustrations for your campaign objectives is so important.
Tapping the Hidden Goldmine of Customer Retention
In today's competitive business landscape, who doesn’t want new customers? We all do! However, innovative businesses understand customer retention is the path to sustainable profitability. By nurturing and retaining existing customers, you can save on marketing costs and benefit from increased customer lifetime value and a more substantial brand reputation.
Case Study: The Power of a “Thank You” Note
When you are shipping products, do you include a simple thank you? You might be surprised by what a difference it can make. Most buyers open the box, take out their purchase, and recycle it with little thought. But opening the package to find a thoughtful and beautifully printed card can change that experience and win you a loyal customer.
Making Content Marketing Work for You
One of the fastest-growing types of marketing is content marketing. Why? Because it works. Content marketing positions you as a thought leader, establishes credibility, and is often the gateway to your customers discovering your business. One study found, for example, that year-over-year growth in unique website traffic is 7.8x higher for content marketing leaders than for followers (19.7% vs. 2.5%, Aberdeen). If your content is being provided in print, content marketing often drives them to check you out online in the first place.
The Marketing Importance of an Authentic Voice
Whether you are writing copy for direct mail, email, or mobile video, it is essential to be authentic. Indeed, Stackla has found that 90% of shoppers say that authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support. But maintaining an authentic voice doesn’t just “happen.” Like everything else, it takes planning. Here are five tips for maintaining an authentic voice and winning customer trust.
4 Things Direct Mail Does That Email Can’t
As a marketer, you know the value of email. You may also see the value of print marketing. But do you know the areas where one is better than another? Let’s look at four places where direct mail beats out email and does things email cannot do.
Want More Donations? Choose Print!
For nonprofits, every dollar they spend on overhead, administration, and marketing is a dollar not spent on their mission. Not surprisingly, there is an intense focus on which marketing channels are most effective. So which channel works best for nonprofits? A study by YouGov provides the answer: direct mail. In a survey of more than 1,150 U.S adults, YouGov found the following…
Want the Ticket to Converting Higher End Buyers? Try Personas
If you are trying to sell costume jewelry and organic smoothies, price and opportunity might motivate customers to purchase spontaneously or switch from a competitor. But if you sell higher-end or more complex products, it often takes a different approach.
QR Codes Are Everywhere — For Good Reason!
The global pandemic has had a profound impact on the world of consumer marketing, and one of these impacts has been to bring QR codes more into the mainstream. With consumers increasingly comfortable using QR codes, businesses can confidently leverage this marketing tool, making it more straightforward for customers to gain information, access coupons, and reply to offers.
5 Benefits of Having an Up-to-Date Mailing List
Keeping your mailing list up to date is essential for making the most of your marketing dollars. It ensures that your messages arrive in a timely fashion and provides other benefits such as cost savings and better targeting. Let’s look at five benefits of an up-to-date mailing list to motivate you to make this one of your top investments.
Creating Customer Loyalty
What does it take to create customer loyalty, the kind of loyalty that makes customers stick with you, even when their favorite sales representative, hair stylist or financial advisor moves on?
During Times of Uncertainty, Market Like a Leader
In today’s times of uncertainty, it can be challenging to know how to strike the right tone. While consumer spending remains strong, there is still much uncertainty about the future. Some Americans are doing quite well. Others are still struggling. For marketers, this means crafting messaging that is both optimistic and sensitive. It can be a tricky balance. Here are five tips for getting it right.
The Power of Simple Graphic Design
In marketing, a well-designed logo or website can differentiate between a successful campaign and one that falls flat. But what makes for good design? Often, it's simplicity. The most straightforward designs can be the most effective. Here's a look at how simplicity can generate trust and credibility.
5 Reasons Wide-Format Graphics Create BIG Impact!
Want to get attention? Wide-format graphics are the perfect opportunity. If you send an email, it needs to get read almost immediately, or it will disappear underneath the hundreds of others that come in behind it. But window graphics, wall coverings, and signage are hard to miss. If you want guaranteed attention, go big!
Need Marketing Direction? Make a Plan!
The New Year is almost upon us! What good things are you expecting in 2023? What are your marketing priorities? Where are you looking to make the most profound investments? Aren’t sure? It’s time to create a marketing plan! Here are seven actionable steps you can take.
Are You Suffering from Marketing-Assumption-itis?
When you design your next direct mail or email campaign, how are you determining how to target your messaging? Are you using data on what your customers look like and how they behave? Or are you making assumptions about them? Too often, we do the latter without realizing it.
Do You Know These 8 Envelope Types?
If you think an envelope is an envelope, you might want to think again. There are many types of envelopes, and each has different benefits for different purposes. Some open on the short side of the envelope, for example, while others open on the long side.