Stop Signs are imperative to transportation. Without them, travel would be impossible. And even when it seems like Stop Signs are an annoyance, and there is “no one around for miles,” nearly 700,000 police report crashes annually at stop signs. Approximately one-third of these crashes involve injuries. So, it does pay to stop rather than slow down.

The same logic applies to commercial printing. While no one is seriously injured if we skip a step, some consequences cost time and money. A traditional printing project is uniquely custom-crafted. Properly taking the time for each step of the process ensures the next step will not be compromised. Prepress provides an accurate proof; proofing confirms the files, printing from the proof helps the pressman confirm the production specs, and the pressman confirms the bindery and finishing department layout. The Bindery double-checks the job Planning to know the job has been produced complete and to order. If we were to blow through one of these steps, we risk having a problem. Could you get a job done quicker? Yes, but at what expense?

When dealing with Custom Production, it is best to Stop rather than Slow down.


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